Tonight was the first game of the PSU men's basketball season. The town was a-buzz with expectation. Last year, our coach of 2 years left. After the graduates left and other entered the transfer portal, we were left with 3 players, all of whom had barely played at all the previous season.
For months, there have been almost daily hype videos, trying to draw in the totally exasperated fan base and get them excited enough to come to a game.
Tonight was the moment of truth. That poor visiting team got a good ole fashioned butt whoopin' and the crowd that left the building was not tentative any longer, but genuinely excited about the season. All the hype turned out to be true for a change.
We tend to put our hopes, dreams, and expectations into what turns out to be hype and we end up disappointed. You see, hype is not truth. You cannot base your happiness on it and you certainly cannot plan your future around it. Usually, the next greatest thing is at best a flash in the pan.
There is one thing though that sometimes sounds almost too good to be true, but it is! It’s God’s Word and all the promises you find there.
Numbers 23:19 says:
“God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent;
Has He said, and will He not do it?
God’s promises are yes and amen when they are believed in proper context and expected in faith. You can believe them and see them come to fruition in your life. He is not a liar. His power to perform His promises in your life is not diminished.
I could write volumes about the times that God took me to a promise in His Word and told me to believe it for myself. Some came right away. Others took time and blind faith. Some I am still waiting on but I know that “he who has promised is faithful.” His Word is true. It is not hype!
Today I’m thankful that God’s promises are not hype, but truth that I can build my life upon.
For months, there have been almost daily hype videos, trying to draw in the totally exasperated fan base and get them excited enough to come to a game.
Tonight was the moment of truth. That poor visiting team got a good ole fashioned butt whoopin' and the crowd that left the building was not tentative any longer, but genuinely excited about the season. All the hype turned out to be true for a change.
We tend to put our hopes, dreams, and expectations into what turns out to be hype and we end up disappointed. You see, hype is not truth. You cannot base your happiness on it and you certainly cannot plan your future around it. Usually, the next greatest thing is at best a flash in the pan.
There is one thing though that sometimes sounds almost too good to be true, but it is! It’s God’s Word and all the promises you find there.
Numbers 23:19 says:
“God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent;
Has He said, and will He not do it?
God’s promises are yes and amen when they are believed in proper context and expected in faith. You can believe them and see them come to fruition in your life. He is not a liar. His power to perform His promises in your life is not diminished.
I could write volumes about the times that God took me to a promise in His Word and told me to believe it for myself. Some came right away. Others took time and blind faith. Some I am still waiting on but I know that “he who has promised is faithful.” His Word is true. It is not hype!
Today I’m thankful that God’s promises are not hype, but truth that I can build my life upon.