God miraculously made a way for Darrell to finish the MDiv degree that he started in 1986. In 1991, we moved to PA to work in campus ministry. The plan was to finish his last two classes through directed research, which essentially meant he would send his assignments to school via snail mail because the internet had not been invented yet. Circumstances never lined up in such a way that we had time or money to finish. This past year, Darrell expressed the desire to finish. Unfortunately we discovered that college credits are only good for 10 years. It had been 32 years. The 90 credits that we had suffered for, sacrificed for, and nearly starved for were gone! He decided to get a lesser degree and started the whole process over....again!
Purely by the grace of God, someone at AGTS got curious as to why Darrell had never finished those last 6 credits. When we explained how life had panned out for us, how we had taken on two ministries at a very large church, how we had planted a church, that we had suffered a disastrous accident and were left with 2 brain injured children, they had mercy on us and informed us that Darrell could finish his degree as long as he finished by the end of 2023. So, while working full-time and having his family to consider, Darrell worked his tukus off and wrote his thesis this summer and is currently taking his last class, and on December 2nd, he will earn the MDiv degree that he started so many years ago. Hallelujah! God is good!
Our Saturdays though are still taken up with books, and studying, lots and lots of typing, and an occaisional trip to watch our grandsons play sports. We do carve out a few hours on Saturday mornings to go out to breakfast and for a short ride but our adventures are on hold until next year, for the most part.
Don't worry though, they will return! Our bucket list is not nearly completed.