Do you ever feel like you're lost in a time warp? That's how I feel during the holidays.
Before Halloween is even here, Christmas decorations start to appear in retail stores. As far as two weeks before, Halloween decorations can be found in the clearance aisle because the seasonal aisle is already full of Christmas items.
Thanksgiving, barely acknowledged, is relegated to a small display of baking supplies and frozen turkeys. Yet, to get to Christmas from Halloween, we must first pass through Thanksgiving!
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be ANXIOUS about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with THANKSGIVING, present your requests to God. And the PEACE of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Pay attention to the progression of the highlighted words. Just as Halloween, with all its evil, gives way to Christmas, the season of hope, peace, and goodwill, so scripture shows us that to get from the problem to the answer, we must pass through thanksgiving!
~Thanksgiving changes our perspective and gets our eyes off the problem and onto the problem solver.
~Thanksgiving helps us live in the present and see bright hope for the future.
~Thanksgiving lifts us to a higher plain where we see with spiritual eyes instead of natural eyes that the battle is the Lord's and that it's no contest.
~Thanksgiving exercises faith and faith moves the hand and heart of God.
~Thanksgiving breeds gratitude, ushering in contentment and peace.
~Thanksgiving defies the lies of our enemy and throws the enemy's chaos back into his court.
~Thanksgiving keeps us from envy because we count our blessings instead of what we lack.
We may not always have something to be anxious about, but we always have something to be thankful for and we can never express a sufficient amount of thankfulness to equal what we possess in Christ.
So today, I'm thankful that I can always be thankful and that thankfulness is my roadmap to peace!