Do you ever feel unloved? Do you ever feel unlovable? Have you been rejected, betrayed, or used? I know I’ve felt that way and it’s a terrible feeling.
It’s tragic how we allow the responses of others to color the perception that we have of our own worth. The day that I gave my life completely over to the Lord, I was sitting in a church service, having a discussion in my head with God. I felt that I had at pretty much everything and I was lamenting to Him about my sorrow, but I honestly didn’t think that I could ever please Him enough that He would find me lovable or lovely. I had failed to meet the expectation of others in my life and it had totally destroyed my self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. I felt worthless and I was sure that God saw me that way too.
You know what God said to me? He told me that He loved me and wanted to have a loving relationship with me, not in some perverted way, but in the way that only He could love me-in total perfection. Just think of it. We run all over looking for love, we listen to the world’s script of what true love looks like, as the song says;
“Lookin’ for love in all the wrong places
Lookin’ for love in too many faces Searchin’their eyes Looking for traces Of what I’m dreaming of”
In actuality, God had been waiting for me to get to the end of myself because truly, I have absolutely nothing of value to offer Him. God was waiting on me to die to myself so that He could fill me with His perfect love.
PERFECT LOVE! Not love based on getting His needs met. Not love filled with unrealistic expectations or demands. Just perfect love. The kind of love that casts out fear and fills me with joy. The kind of love that stays, no matter how good or bad I think I’m doing. Love that will last for eternity and will never change.
People will always fail us, because people are people-ly but if our love and trust are in God, we can know that He will never fail to do the right thing, He will never cease to do everything in a way that is best for us, His love will never change. I’m not loved because I joined His club. I’m saved because I’m loved.
Today, I’m thankful for the perfect love of God.