These verses reminded me of how quickly things can change in just a moment of time. In 2017, a prophecy was given to me telling me that my life was going to completely change. At the time, I doubted the words. I even feared the words, but as the years following unfolded, the truth of those words brought me comfort and hope because I found them in God's Word.
In these Psalms, David had suffered from the actions of his enemies for many nights. He laments in Ps. 6: 6-7 to the point of soaking his pillow in tears but then, He remembers the promises of God. He remembers that when the Lord hears, He responds and things change.
In Just One Moment...
-a dead soul lives
-rebellion becomes submission
-what was lost is found
-what was stolen is returned
-strangling fear becomes perfect peace
In Just One Moment...
-Everything changes
-Evil is returned to whence it came
-A hard heart is softened
-Lying words are exposed
-Righteousness is exalted
-Integrity is rewarded
-Patience becomes provision
-Light dispels darkness
-Faith becomes sight
Pray! We must always pray and never give up! Righteousness and integrity will be rewarded. Vindication will come. God answers and saves the upright in heart. Wickedness will not go unpunished. Justice will prevail. God pushes back the enemies of our soul and their end is shame and dismay, for that is the wage of rebellion. Our reward is goodness forevermore.
We will give thanks and tell of His wonders for He maintains every just cause. He will be a stronghold in trouble and oppression to those who trust Him completely and seek Him with a whole heart. He will not fail or disappoint. His ear is not deaf to our cry. His arm is not too short to reach out and help.
Our enemies are no match for our God. He fights in our place while we rest in His promise. We must pray, believe, trust, wait, and worship.
From the moment we cry, "Father, I am outnumbered and overpowered. HELP!", He moves. And when that answer reaches us where we are, everything changes in just one moment.
In Just One Moment...
-Jesus will stand in the clouds and call us home
-In the twinkling of an eye, we will be changed
-Time will be no more
-Sorrows will cease
-Fears will vanish
-Questions will be answered
-Wounds will be healed, pain forgotten
-We will see clearly, understand fully, comprehend completely
-We will be clothed with the righteousness of Christ
-We will be perfect
-Never again to know the pain of evil
-Never again to bear the stain of sin
-Never again to regret our past or fear the future
-Never again to worry, or question, or doubt
-All wrongs will be righted
-All injustice corrected
-All evil defeated
-All wickedness rewarded
-All promises fulfilled
-All will be well
In Just one Moment