I was cruising along in Colossians chapter 3 when I got to verse 15 and BOOM, I had a revelation!
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body: and be thankful."
Peace with God is what we get at salvation. Peace in God is what we have when we are in communion and close fellowship with God, abiding in His promises.
If you spend any amount of time on social media, you see all kinds of avenues that people are traveling trying to find peace in their innermost being. Even Christians struggle for that daily peace as their circumstances ebb and flow. More and more, we see articles geared toward Christians who have anxiety and fear. I'm not judging. I've been there.
I've had those nights when life has overwhelmed me and sleep evades me. I've cried to the Lord and told Him that I didn't care how things turn out, I just have to have peace and it has to be NOW! I've felt the heaviness of burdens so crushing that I didn't think I could last one more day. At that moment, I would have given anything just to have an hour of peace.
So as I looked at Colossians 3:15, I noticed some things I had never pondered before. First of all, as a member of the body of Christ, I am called to peace! It's part of my Kingdom inheritance. It's my birthright! "God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7
Secondly, there is an implied pronoun. If you look at this text, it is actually saying "YOU let the peace of God rule in your hearts." All along, I've been asking for peace, praying for peace, and waiting for peace but according to this verse, it is already mine but I have a part to play in receiving it into my life. I have to "let" it rule in my heart.
God is not going to send a holy lightning bolt and zap me with peace. I have to let, to allow His peace,( my possession, my birthright, His provision already stored up for me), to rule in my heart. I have to open the door and let it in. I have to yield to peace over panic. I have to get "above" the turbulence and into the flow of Heaven. It's up to me!
This is as easy as a simple, yielding prayer.
Let's pray it together.
Father, I thank You that I not only have peace with You through the work of Your Son, Jesus Christ, but I have peace in You as part of what Christ died for me to have. Father, do not let one drop of that precious Blood spilled for me, go to waste in my life.
Therefore, today, instead of panic, instead of fear, instead of anxiety, and instead of worry, I receive what is rightfully mine by your grace. I receive Your peace and I allow it free rule and reign in my heart, in my thoughts, and in my life. I take every thought captive that brings hopelessness, that makes me feel like a victim, or that tries to discourage me, and I replace it with the wonderful promise and provision of Your peace, ruling in my heart today. Thank you that "all of your promises are yes and amen to the glory of God" because I belong to you. 2 Cor. 1:20 Oh thank you, gracious God. In Jesus's name, Amen.