What immediately stuck out to me was that the law of Moses was ll that David had of scripture. The new testament, psalms, and most of the prophetic writings had not even been composed yet! In a church culture that, for the most part, ignores, devalues, and even rejects "the law", as works, in it David found the revelation of God, His love, His perfection and His Messiah. While we all glorify David's heart and relationship with God, wishing to model and experience what he had with God, we poo-poo the very words that too him to that spiritual level. How stupid we are. Until the New Testament was written, the Apostles preached Christ from the Old Testament. Did not Jesus Himself, after the resurrection reveal Himself to the disciples walking on the road using the law?
As a saint of God I believe and accept that ALL the Word is GOOD. Jesus and His word are one. To love Christ is to love His Word-ALL OF IT! May the Spirit of God speak to my heart through this Psalm!