Imagine, the culmination of everything through all time past, present and future takes place in a 3 day span from the cross to the empty tomb. Central to it all is Christ.
It amazes me that even before God created man, He knew that we would fall. Even before he picked up that first handful of clay that would become Adam, he knew that redeeming this creation would cost Him His most precious Son, the spotless one reigning with Him in glory. Knowing full well the problem and and the cure, God created us anyway. God is love. Love is only defined and known through it's expression. Redemption is the highest, most convincing proof that God could provide of the vast extent of His loving nature. It is the clear picture of perfect love. What else could God do, what else could He give to prove His love for us than offering up His own son to redeem us back to Himself even before He created us? Even in His foreknowledge He chose to let it be so that we would know assuredly of the great love that He has for us.
And with the crucifixion and Resurrection of His Son, who became God in human flesh, He forever sealed the covenant. It can never be altered. It can never be changed. It is forever established and settled in heaven.
Now THAT is reason to celebrate!