First, it depends on who you are working for.
Secondly, it depends on what you are doing.
Thirdly, it matters if you are enjoying your job or not.
I'm thinking here in terms of ministry. I have the best boss in the world and beyond! Working for God is very different than working for anyone else, even yourself. He doesn't need His pockets lined. He owns everything already! So when I work for Him, He lines my proverbial pockets!
When you work for God, you are always doing something worthwhile, even eternal. How many self-made millionaires can say that? In fact, there is the wise proverb that reminds us that "you can't take it with you." so I have to ask myself, why would you work like crazy to accumulate something you can't take with when you die? Why not invest in something eternal that you can store up while you are on earth and enjoy for all eternity? That sounds like good business to me.
Lastly, when you are working for God, doing what you He asks, you will always have joy. You may not enjoy what you are doing every single minute, but even in the tough times, there is an abiding joy and peace that is in you, but not of you. Your happiness is not connected to how well your job is going. It remains constant through the good and the bad times. What better job could you have than that?
So I've come to the conclusion that you can say a whole lot of things about ministry and ministers, but one thing you can't say is that ministry is a dead end job! It actually is quite the opposite. If you are successful, it will lead others to eternal life! And even if some do not end up on the right side of eternity, if you have given them enough information to make their own decision, you have succeeded. What you do is not from your own wisdom, ingenuity, or talent. The boss completely provides everything you need to do your job and do it well! If you rely on Him you can't not succeed! And in terms of benefits, you just can't beat his benefit package!
So, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go!