"Look at him, she said, he's the same age as me! Doesn't he look a lot older than I do." Now, being the honest person that I am, I chose to respond truthfully to myself seeing that she probably wouldn't have wanted to hear that "everyone looks years younger with 3 lbs of makeup on their face.", but instead I said, "he doesn't look that bad. He just looks like he's been in the sun. Does he wear sunscreen? My dermatologist told me that Bullfrog brand is the best." Now this was starting to feel a bit weird We were standing there talking about this obviously clueless man like he wasn't there.
He looked at me and grinned and said "What is an exfoliator?" My best explanation was to tell him that "it's what your Momma used to call a good scrubbin' with soap and a washcloth." "OH MY, his wife exclaimed, you should NEVER use a washcloth on your face!!!" Who Knew??? I sure didn't!!!! I guess it's okay to scratch the bigeebers out of your face with a Buffpuff, but NOT a washcloth, NO SIR! Refusing to back down she continued looking at all the creams, lotions and such. I just looked at the guy with a sympathetic shrug and said "It's a wonder that the human race has lasted this long without exfoliators" to which he replied, "Thanks for trying!" I leaned in a little closer and pointed to my face and said "Bullfrog!"
The whole thing would really be comical if it weren't so sad! Honestly, many things people are wrapped up and concerned about today are just so trivial. Why are so many trying to reverse the aging process? It AIN'T gonna work! What is the point anyway? To look good in your casket so that people can stand over you and say "oh, they look better than they ever did? They had such nice skin." I'm not against taking care of yourself, but there is a limit and most Americans are so far from that line, they don't even remember it existed! Limits?? Limits, you say?? Oh yea, that's right. Limits is now a cuss word in the English language. No wonder people are so neurotic! They have their noses stuck so far in their navals, it's a wonder they can even breathe!
Have you ever heard women say "Oh, I can't just go out! Not without my face on!" What??? I've never seen anyone in public without a face on! I've seen that some faces are prettier than others but honestly are you going to stay home because you don't have makeup on? If you wear that much, no one will recognize you anyway, so your secret is still safe!!!
I tend to agree with the wise sage Tertullian, an early church father-who by the way, said some very provocative things about women-when he said, and I paraphrase, "if you have to get up in the morning and make yourself look different, it's like a slap in the face of God and is telling Him that He didn't do a good enough job when He dreamed, created and molded you in your mother's womb, so you have to fix His handiwork." (By the way, if you are easily offended or close minded, please don't read Tertullian. He will probably burn your biscuits, if you catch my drift.)
Anyway, I guess my point is that it really caused me to think about what I do with my money and my time in light of eternity. That is the key! And we won't be judged on how good we look because we will all be perfected..for eternity!!! But we will be judged according to what we did with our time and our money...in light of eternity. Were we in the foxholes of battle in prayer? Did we train and run according the rules? Did we finish the course? And how many did we bring along with us? How many Bibles could the money we spend on one jar of exfoliator buy? How many meals could one jar of night cream provide a starving family? Do we really NEED 30 pairs of shoes when there are people all over the world without even one pair? What are we trying to prove anyway?
Just some food for thought and if you're going out in the sun to contemplate, remember-- "Bullfrog!"