Okay, back to this post. As a Christian woman, I believe that women claiming Christ should dress modestly. The older I get, the more material that seems to include, but that's for another day to discuss. However, this seemed so stupid to me that I just have to mention it. It was a pin showing you how you can turn an old bra into a bathing suit top. So I'm studying this trying to figure out at what point this garment becomes modest enough to wear in public. I don't know of any woman that would take a white or nude or even black bra from their drawer and feel comfortable wearing it out in public. Granted, it is now okay to let your bra straps stick our from under your shirt, according to culture, but certainly not okay to wear your bra in public. After all, most places have laws about wearing your underwear in public.
If wearing your underwear in public is immodest enough to get you arrested, then how can a bra covered with pretty fabric be modest? What makes a bra modest in public? Is it the color? The amount of lace? The absence of lace? The size of the cup? And what makes a sports bra modest but a padded bra immodest? Do you see how stupid this type of thinking is? Just because it'a labeled a bathing suit top, to the world, it's modest, but if it's labeled a bra, it's immodest. And lets be honest. Most bras cover more than any 2 piece bathing suit top, so why are they considered modest but underwear considered indecent? Is what it's labeled determine it's acceptability? Of course, I realize the Madonna never knew the difference, but she's a special case.
Here's another one for you. Christians fight Hooters when it wants to build a restaurant in their town because they want to guard the men from lusting and sinning but they drive their little boys and teen boys to the pool everyday in the summer to hang out around girls and women with way less on than what they wear at Hooters. Is this hypocritical or am I missing something? I mean, let's be honest. At hooters they wear tank tops and shorts. The pool? Not as much! So why is it okay for your men to be at the pool but not at Hooters? At least at Hooters they are distracted by sports on t.v. and food.
Let's hit a little closer to home. All Christians agree that gossip is a sin. But what if it's cloaked in a prayer request? Does that make it alright? It sounds so spiritual to say "please pray for Sister So-and-So. I heard that she such and such. Let's pray."
So in conclusion ladies, keep the boobs, backs, bellies and butts covered and your tongue bridled. Don't let the world define your morality. And for heaven's sake, use some logic when thinking about right and wrong.