Honestly, my work has a standard operating procedure for EVERYTHING! When I got the one explaining keeping office and kitchen spaces clean (they actually had instructions on how to clean a sink-step by step just in case you are a beginner), I started looking to see if there was one telling me how to use the "fragrance free" bathroom. (Seriously folks, no bathroom anywhere on this planet is fragrance free!) And when we had a fruit fly problem in the Customer Service kitchen, the emails flew around the building faster than the fruit flies! LOL! And I just have to ask, does anyone else have a "refrigerator purge" reminder pop up on their calendar EVERY Thursday at 4:30 pm? Anyway, as if reading how to use software I haven't even seen yet is not a waste of my time and their money isn't enough, they have to have a written procedure for everything, including how to sit at your desk.
The evacuation plans were especially funny. Adjacent to our manufacturing building is a building used for social events and for exercising. In case of a fire we are to go into west parking lot, lick our fingers and figure out which way the wind is blowing. If it is blowing towards the exercise building, we should proceed to the east side of the building and stand in the parking lot which also houses several nitrogen and hydrogen tanks! REALLY???? What if the wind shifts and takes the fire with it?? It just made me chuckle...and shudder... at the same time.
Then there was my boss who when getting ready to go home was searching for her keys and said "I always find my keys the very last place I look!" In my caffeine induced high, I burst out laughing and said "Did you hear what you just said." She repeated it! I laughed even harder and said, "of course they are because once you find the keys, you stop looking!"
There was the look on the faces of two of my co-workers when I told them about my first interaction with the CEO of the company. I mean after all, isn't he almost like a god? I was busy working at my computer (thank God I wasn't looking at Pinterest, which, by the way, we are allowed to do when things are slow, but I'm so glad that I was actually working on learning a new software program.) He snuck up to my cubicle door and just stood there. My back is always to the door when I'm working so I didn't see him. How long he stood there, I don't know. But he welcomed me to the company but never told me his name, which I thought was very rude or arrogant or strange. He just assumed that I (and everyone I guess) knew who he was. To tell you the truth, if I had not been perusing the company directory, I wouldn't have known it was him and probably would have asked him his name and what he does at the company! That's my SOP when meeting someone there that I haven't met yet. LOL! It really crossed my mind to say it anyway, just to be ornery but I decided not to. The first question he asked me was "are you intimidated yet?" And I'm like What?????? What kind of a question is that? Did he mean am I intimidated by him or the many facets of my new job? Since most Customer Service Reps are under the impression that he really doesn't know what all we do in our department, I had to assume he was asking if I was intimidated by him. So I just smiled and told him "I don't get intimidated." Well, it's the truth! Back to my co-workers. They just stood there in disbelief that I had said that to him. It's just my way.
To top it all off there was my husband's face at Barnes and Noble as he described how much he hates getting those stupid Facebook game requests. I thought he was going to explode and when I laughed out loud at his face, he was a little taken aback, which then made his face crinkle up on the side like it does when he smiles and that made me laugh even more. I love his crinkles! And the fact that he takes me to Barnes and Noble for a ginger cookie and cinnamon tea! He even dumpster dived for boxes so that we can play musical cubicles at work. They are shifting everyone to new cubicles. I'm just happy that I'm not in the cloffice!
I've noticed since becoming a Christian that I'm able to laugh at a lot more things...even at myself. And that feels good! It's a gift from Him to me! Thank you Lord for laughter!