We fear our economy crashing and losing our present way of living. Many people in other countries fear for their life from their government.
We may have to pay higher premiums on our health insurance thanks to the goof ball health care law just enacted in our country. People in other countries die on the sidewalks outside the hospital because they don't have the money they need up front to receive care.
We complain about the price of food. Many people in other countries would just like to have food available to buy.
We don't like the price of gasoline, but in reality it is much higher in many other places in the world.
Now don't get me wrong. I don't like our president or his policies or the people he has around him making policy. They are bad for America, not Biblical, and just plain stupid. I would like to keep more of my money. But we really have no reason to complain until we have reached the depth of poverty and despair experienced by a lot of the rest of the world.
Take time to be grateful for what is right and good in your life. Vote according to Biblical values to keep them that way. Take time today to thank God that you are blessed.