I don't usually use the NLT. I'm a NASB girl mostly but I do examine other translations from time to time. After studying this verse, I like the way they paraphrased this verse except for the last part where most translations say that "Christ is in you", not among you. But I guess if you fail the test, then He's only in others around you, but not really in you. Hard truth.
With the recent happenings at Asbury University, I thought it fitting to share some writings from Charles Wesley, the major influencer of the Methodist movement and whose beliefs are part of Asbury University's doctrinal statement. Francis Asbury was appointed as a circuit preacher by Wesley and served in England from 1765-1771 until coming to the United States. It doesn't surprise me that a move of God started there as the beliefs of Wesley guide the university's statement of faith.
Examining ourselves means that there has to be some kind of criteria to examine ourselves against. In the science field, that would be called a standard. A standard is something that establishes a baseline or the greatest level of purity to test other like substances against.
Of course, our standard is the Word of God and the life that Christ lived when he was here on earth. That's quite a standard.
When Charles Wesley was a college student he had a small group. Some call it The Holy Club, others the Chocolate Club. I think that combining the two would be optimal in practice, not in name. LOL! There's nothing holy about chocolate (except for some). If that is you, please see the 10 Commandments #1.
For their private devotional time, they used a list of questions for self-examination. I have had those tacked on the front page of my Bible for many years and I use them regularly in my devotional time, especially when I feel that something is not as it should be or could be in my spiritual life. I thought I would share them with you today in hopes that they might help you in your walk with the Lord. And perhaps, by examining these questions and praying through them, we could also experience the personal revival that the students at Asbury are experiencing. It's undeniable that America needs spiritual help.
Here they are. I pray you are blessed as you pray through them.
~Am I creating the impression that I'm better than I am? Am I a hypocrite?
~Am I honest in all of my acts and words?
~Do I break confidence-tell other's secrets? In other words, am I a gossip and a liar?
~Am I a slave to dress, friends, work, habits?
~Can I be trusted? Would I trust myself with my deepest, darkest secrets?
~Am I self-conscious, self-pitying, or self-justifying? Do I allow myself to be a victim or justify my sin by what is happening to me at the time?
~Did God's Word live in me today? Did I give it time to speak to me?
~Am I enjoying my prayer time?
~When was the last time I shared my faith?
~Do I pray about the money I spend and the way I use my other resources?
~Do I go to bed on time and get up on time?
~Do I disobey God in anything?
~Do I have an uneasy conscience? On the other hand, do I feel shame for no reason?
~Am I defeated in any part of my life?
~Am I jealous, impure, critical, touchy, irritable or distrustful?
~Am I proud?
~How do I spend my spare time?
~Do I thank God that I am not like others?
~Is there, anyone I fear, dislike, disown, criticize, disregard, or resent?
~Do I grumble and complain
~Is Christ real to me?