At a staff meeting I attended they ask us what day was our favorite. A few said Saturday, but most said some random day of the week, sadly, because it was the night that their favorite tv show was on. I felt bad for them that the highlight of their week was some lame tv show produced by Hollywood. I don’t like much of anything that comes out of Hollywood and what I do like is certainly not the highlight of my existence!
So today is Friday. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Hopefully it will wind down a little early at work and I will be to able sort of ease into the weekend. We have a Friday tradition that most of our family looks forward to. This Friday the one son we see the least may join us. That would be fun! Tomorrow is full of fun and some charity activities and then SUNDAY!
I usually fly through Monday because Sunday was so good and before I know it, I’m back to Friday again!
I thank God for things to look forward to, that I can look at my future and smile while I rejoice in every day that He has made!