I have a report I get on my phone telling me about my usage. To be honest, some weeks the report shocks me.
I could justify my phone use by saying that I’m exercising my brain with games, building up my spirit with worship music videos, using Bible study tools, and working, and in some ways that would be true. However, social media is a time waster, pure and simple.
For me, it’s all about communication or lack of it. For most of my life, I haven’t felt as if anyone is listening to me. I’ve never felt “heard”. I’ve always felt invisible to everyone but myself, therefore I grew to feel worthless. It’s not even that I think I have so much to say or share that’s noteworthy, because I don’t. You might be thinking that sounds crazy considering that I am a writer but to be honest, writing first appealed to me because it felt like someone was listening. Now before everyone starts responding and saying flowery things to encourage me, just stop. That is not my purpose for this post. I don’t need or want anyone’s validation. I’m not an insecure adolescent/young adult anymore.
I first came to the Lord because I was explaining to Him what a nothing I was and to my surprise, He spoke to me. I realized that He was listening. He showed me that He will take ”a nothing “and make it into “a something”, in fact, God requires nothingness because something-ness needs somewhere to reside.
I came to know that not only does He listen and respond, but that He cares. He is available to me 24/7, in fact, He is yearning for me to come and talk with Him.
Then I found out that not only does He care, but He acts. He fulfills every promise, breaks every binding chain, knocks down every barrier, supplies every need, and makes a path over every mountain and through every valley.
But the best part is that He is with me and in me! What a thought!
Today I am thankful that God hears, He responds, He cares, and He acts!