As I walked today, I saw more bluebirds and cedar waxwings than I saw all summer. I'm guessing that they are some of our northern friends on their way south for the winter. As I walk along the paths I notice that many of the bushes are filled with berries that provide much-needed energy for their flight, even though the foodstuffs in our area are becoming more limited. Not only the berries plentiful, they are also beautiful as they adorn the landscape with bright reds, blues, and purples.
I love Mt. 6:25-34. In a season when my life was changing, in ways I neither planned nor wanted, God spoke verse 6:25a to me. "Do not be worried about your life..." That's all He said. "DO NOT WORRY about your life..." I read through the rest of the passage. "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?"
As I walk in the woods and see all the provision that God has left there for the animals and even the sojourners, it is a constant reminder to me that I too am a sojourner on this earth. Currently, like the birds, I'm in transit from one season to the next.
In a broader scope, this world is not my home. Like Abraham, I am looking for a city whose builder and maker is God. Both journeys I am on are temporary. While one is uncertain, the other is assured. God Himself has placed every provision in the paths He has chosen for me to walk. As I look and see the birds in the bushes eating what the Lord has provided for them, their song seems to say, "Do not worry, do not worry", and I smile and say "Thank you Lord!"
Today I am thankful that my heavenly Father has placed my provision within all of His beauty.