I love streams. Listening to them is like listening to music. I've often wondered if music comes from the river of God that flows from His throne. Scripture does say that if we won't praise Him, the rocks will cry out. I just imagine that that heavenly river sings as it flows. I could be totally wrong of course but it's nice to sit and dream of heaven. (I secretly think that there will be popcorn balls at the marriage supper of the Lamb too. At least I'm hoping there are.)
This morning, I drove out to the mountain and took a trail I had never taken before. That's always a little daunting to me given that I have no sense of direction whatsoever. But I did have a map and an app on my phone that tracks my progress that I can follow back to my car if I get lost.
I usually plan my hikes to go near water. I love to listen to it trickle over the rocks. I love waterfalls too and I was thrilled to find this little one along the way. As I walked back to my car, I was thanking God that I didn't get lost or snagged up by a mountain man and drug into the wilderness. (Hey, it happened to a girl back in the 60s.) I also thanked him for the little waterfall that I had seen. I often think that God does things like that just for me because He knows how much it delights me. Just as I said that, I looked towards the sun and thought I saw a waterfall. Sometimes the sun shining off a metal cabin roof can look like a waterfall, just in case you're wondering. As I bushwhacked into the woods, I came across this:
Have you ever been surprised by the abundance of the Lord? I have many times. His abundance flows from His character and that fact that He is just a BIG God. He doesn't do things small. He may do small things, but He never does anything small. Think about that!
So today I am thankful that I was surprised by abundance and I am challenged to believe God for so much more than I can imagine because He wants to answer your prayers, "abundantly above all that you could ask or think!" What are you asking Him for today? Get a picture in your mind of what that would look like and then get ready and see what the Lord will do!