I am not working anymore except from home. I spend my days hiking, taking photos, writing, and doing as little housework as humanly possible.
My husband is no longer in the ministry except for the days he fills in for others. Our routine has totally changed, for the better. Life is more relaxed and less cluttered. We are happier.
We do not own a lawn business anymore. I can't praise God enough for this! The sun screen business will surely suffer, so if you're not wearing sunscreen, start! The skin lotion companies, however, are enjoying my search for a cream that will erase 16 years of constant sun. I'm thinking of trying leather lotion next.
I have lost 3 members of my immediate family in the last 4 years. Some went too soon, others were expected, but all were loved and are greatly missed and mourned.
We've gained 4 grandchildren. Lucky #7 was a girl, finally! Another pinky power girl for Pappy!
Almost all the friends I thought would be my friends for life have been replaced by new friends. Although this has been hard, I have seen the faithfulness and provision of God through it all and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world. I've learned a lot about life, about what true friendship is, about myself, and I've experienced God as a friend that sticks closer than a brother. The lessons have been hard but the outcomes have been wonderful!
Just when I think that I have faced Goliath and won, I realize that the last struggle was only the lion or the bear and the calm, mundane, life eludes me once again. Perhaps that is a pipedream anyway. Like Roseann Rosannadanna used to say, "It's always somethin'." And it is! Fortunately I have learned to truly trust and to REST in God, no matter what life brings my way. As He so poignantly taught me, "Do not be anxious about ANYTHING" and "Do not worry about tomorrow." It takes total trust in God to do this and the last couple of years have shown me that up until now, I wasn't totally trusting God, which is unbelief, which is sin. When I dealt with my anxiety as a sin and unbelief issue, God took it completely away!
I'm still blogging and working on a few other projects, but I yearn for more directed focus, more direction, and a more organized vision. I'm considering branching out into other areas as well and I'm waiting on the Lord's instruction. He is leading me slowly step by step.
I'm decluttering. My goal is to be able to put all of my personal in a medium sized cardboard box so when I'm dead, whoever is left can just take it to take to the dump and be done with it...except my clothes, my earrings (they require a box all by themselves, LOL) and my books. My journals will make good kindling for the fire pit. The rest can go in the book bin for the big book sale in May.
I'm re-thinking this blog. I'm thinking that I will narrow it's focus, rename it, or shut it down altogether. So I'm asking you, the ones who faithfully read it, (minus those of you who are just stalking for information-please, just get a life) to reply and tell me what type posts have helped you the most in your walk with God, what posts do you just enjoy reading, what don't you like about it? I've considered a devotional type blog, a truthbomb blog (not for the faint of heart or the easily offended), a memoir type blog full of the revelations I've received in my Christian walk and the miracles I've seen, or a Bible study type blog where I will go more in depth, i.e. as in depth as I am capable of.
If I just keep the blog the way it is, would you like more travel posts, devotional type posts, in-depth study posts, more memoir type posts, more "my opinion" posts complete with my own brand of humor and sarcasm, or do you like it just the way it is. What about my blog keeps you coming back? What do you wish I would change or omit?
If you feel inclined, reply below please. If you don't reply, then I'll just take that as a shut it down altogether vote. And I'm fine with that as well. Thanks for the help!